Legal Notice

  1. General Information

In compliance with the duty of information stipulated in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), the following data is reflected:

Trade Name: Entretiempo Responsible Owner: Ricardo Registered Address: Santa Marina Kalea 13. Bajo Izquierda NIF/CIF: 78745813T Email: Contact Phone: +34 623 47 65 21 2. Terms of Use

The use of the website implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every provision included in this Legal Notice. Consequently, the user of the website must read this Legal Notice carefully each time they intend to use the website, as the text may be modified at the discretion of the website owner, or due to legislative, jurisprudential changes, or business practices.

  1. Intellectual and Industrial Property

The design, logos, text, and/or graphics that are not the owner’s and that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any possible disputes that may arise regarding them. In any case, the owner has prior and express authorization from them.

All the content of the website, including but not limited to texts, graphics, images, its design, and the intellectual property rights that may correspond to such content, as well as all trademarks, trade names, or any other distinctive sign are the property of the owner or their legitimate owners, with all rights reserved.

Any act of reproduction, distribution, transformation, or public communication of the content is prohibited without the express authorization of the website owner.

  1. Data Protection

In compliance with the current regulations on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that the personal data you provide through the forms on the website will be treated confidentially and will become part of a file owned by Ricardo, with the purpose of managing and maintaining the services offered and to send you information about news and commercial offers related to our studio.

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by sending a written request, along with a copy of your ID, to the following address: Santa Marina Kalea 13. Bajo Izquierda, or via email to:

  1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The relationship between the owner and the user will be governed by the current Spanish regulations and any dispute will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Zarautz.

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